Deutsch Englisch






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Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Sonst. Personen: 
New York, NY : Springer New York, 1973
Online-Ressource : online resource
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9781468462906
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9780387911069
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9781468462890
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-4684-6290-6 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
one Tables and GraphsI. Tables -- II. Graphs -- two Elementary Mathematics -- I. Approximate computations -- II. Algebra -- III. Geometry -- IV. Trigonometry -- three Analytic and Differential Geometry -- I. Analytic geometry -- II. Differential geometry -- four Foundations of Mathematical Analysis -- I. Introduction to analysis -- II. Differential calculus -- III. Integral calculus -- IV. Differential equations -- five Supplementary Chapters on Analysis -- I. Complex numbers and functions of a complex variable -- II. Vector calculus -- III. The calculus of variations -- IV. Integral equations -- V. Fourier series -- six Interpretation of Experimental Results -- I. Foundations of the theory of probability and the theory of errors -- II. Empirical formulas and interpolation.
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: Q1-390
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 50; ; 300; ; 001.3;
Book Industry Communication: GT
bisacsh: SCI000000
one Tables and Graphs -- I. Tables -- II. Graphs -- two Elementary Mathematics -- I. Approximate computations -- II. Algebra -- III. Geometry -- IV. Trigonometry -- three Analytic and Differential Geometry -- I. Analytic geometry -- II. Differential geometry -- four Foundations of Mathematical Analysis -- I. Introduction to analysis -- II. Differential calculus -- III. Integral calculus -- IV. Differential equations -- five Supplementary Chapters on Analysis -- I. Complex numbers and functions of a complex variable -- II. Vector calculus -- III. The calculus of variations -- IV. Integral equations -- V. Fourier series -- six Interpretation of Experimental Results -- I. Foundations of the theory of probability and the theory of errors -- II. Empirical formulas and interpolation.
TO THE FIRST RUSSIAN EDITION It was a very difficult task to write a guide-book of a small size designed to contain the fundamental knowledge of mathema­ tics which is most necessary to engineers and students of higher technical schools. In our tendency to the compactness and brevity of the exposition, we attempted, however, to produce a guide-book which would be easy to understand, convenient to use and as accurate as possible (as much as it is required in engineering). It should be pointed out that this book is neither a handbook nor a compendium, but a guide-book. Therefore it is not written as systematically as a handbook should be written. Hence the reader should not be surprised to find, for example, I'HOpital's rule in the section devoted to computation of limits which is a part of the chapter "Introduction to the analysis" placed before the concept of the derivative, or information about the Gamma function in the chapter "Algebra"-just after the concept of the factorial. There are many such "imperfections" in the book. Thus a reader who wants to acquire certain information is advised to use not only the table of contents but also the alpha­ betical index inserted at the end of the book. If a problem mentioned in the text is explained in detail in another place of the book, then the corresponding page is indicated in a footnote.
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