Deutsch Englisch






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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 775473707
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Sonst. Personen: 
Boston, MA : Springer US, 1988
Online-Ressource : online resource
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-4684-1445-5 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
1 Heat TransferThe Nature of Heat-Units of Measure -- Heat Transfer -- Conduction -- Radiation -- Convection -- Symbols Used in Chapter 1 -- Problems -- 2 Heat Flow Through Walls -- Wall Construction-Heat Conductance -- Heat Transmission Coefficients for Walls -- Symbols Used in Chapter 2 -- Problems -- 3 Psychrometrics -- Air-Water Vapor Mixtures -- Symbols Used in Chapter 3 -- Problems -- 4 Moisture Condensation in Walls -- Temperature Gradient -- Condensation on Wall Surfaces -- Condensation within Walls -- Laboratory and Field Observations -- Symbols Used in Chapter 4 -- Problems -- 5 Estimating Heating and Cooling Loads -- Heat Flow through Enclosures -- Design Temperatures -- Solar Radiation -- Total Solar Radiation /t -- Building Surface Characteristics (?/ fo) -- Heat Sources in Buildings -- Seasonal Heat Load -- Symbols Used in Chapter 5 -- Problems -- 6 Reactions of Animals to Thermal and Other Environmental Factors -- Homeostasis -- Environmental Parameters -- Productive and Physiological Parameters -- Heat Production and Dissipation -- Some Specific Animal Reactions -- Symbols Used in Chapter 6 -- 7 Principles of Crop and Food Preservation and Storage -- Preservation Methods -- Problems -- 8 Ventilation -- Estimating Air Flow Rate -- Heat Balances in Ventilation -- Ventilation Systems -- Natural Ventilation -- Forced Ventilation -- Symbols Used in Chapter 8 -- Problems -- 9 Drying and Cooling Stored Crops -- Moisture Content -- The Drying Process -- Theoretical Analysis -- Cooling Stored Products -- Symbols Used in Chapter 9 -- Problems -- 10 Livestock Waste Management -- Waste Generation by Livestock -- Collecting Livestock Wastes -- Storage -- Gases and Odors from Wastes -- Treatment -- Symbols Used in Chapter 10 -- Problems -- 11 Dairy Housing -- Environment -- Sanitation -- Space Requirements -- Arrangement of Space -- Storage -- Ventilation -- Problems -- 12 Swine Housing -- Basic Considerations -- Building Systems -- Ventilation -- Manure Handling -- 13 Storage of Fruits and Vegetables -- Ventilated Storage -- Refrigerated Storage -- Functional Requirements of Apple Storage -- Rate of Cooling -- Symbols Used in Chapter 13 -- Problems -- 14 Grain Storage -- Conditioning Moist Grains in Storage -- Aerating Stored Grain -- Grain Storage and Handling Systems -- Symbols Used in Chapter 14 -- Problems -- Appendixes.
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Klassifikation der Library of Congress: Q1-390
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 50;
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