Deutsch Englisch






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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 775423122
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Sonst. Personen: 
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1972
Online-Ressource : online resource
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9780412115509
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789401093156
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-0-412-11550-9 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
GeneralThe Greek alphabet -- SI units -- Other metric units -- Multiples and submultiples -- Conversion factors -- Mathematics -- Logarithms, base 10 -- Natural sines, natural cosines -- Natural tangents, natural cotangents -- Degrees to radians, etc. -- Logarithms of factorials -- Circular functions -- Exponential funefons -- Constants -- Binomial coefficients -- Series -- Fourier series for certain waveforms -- Trigonometric, hyperbolic and exponential functions -- Trigonometric relations -- Hyperbolic relations -- Differentials -- Indefinite integrals -- Definite integrals -- Fourier transform -- Laplace transform -- Complex variable -- Algebraic equations -- Differential equations -- Vector analysis -- Matrices -- Properties of plane curves and figures -- Moments of inertia, etc., of rigid bodies -- Numerical analysis -- Statistics -- Properties of matter -- Physical constants -- The periodic table -- Atomic properties of the elements -- Physical properties of solids -- Mechanical properties of solids -- Work functions -- Properties of semiconductors -- Properties of ferromagnetic materials -- Superconducting materials -- Properties of liquids -- Thermodynamic properties of fluids -- Properties of gases -- Thermochemical data for equilibrium reactions -- Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics -- Thermodynamic relations -- Equations for fluid flow -- Dimensionless groups -- Convective heat transfer: empirical formulae -- Black-body radiation -- Generalized compressibility chart -- Tables for compressible flow of a perfect gas -- Oblique shocks: shock-wave angle versus flow-deflection angle -- Oblique shocks: pressure ratio and downstream Mach number -- Coefficient of friction for pipes -- Coefficients of loss for pipe fittings -- Boundary-layer friction and drag -- Open-channel flow -- Elasticity and structures -- Two-dimensional stress and strain -- Three-dimensional stress and strain -- Bending of laterally loaded plates -- Torsion -- Yield criteria -- Beams and structural members -- Stability functions for uniform sections -- Dimensions and properties of British Standard sections to B.S.4. -- Mechanics -- Statics -- Kinematics -- Dynamics -- Vibrations -- Electricity -- Electromagnetism -- Linear passive circuits -- Rectangular waveguides -- Resonant cavities -- Radiation and aerials -- Poles and zeros -- Linear active circuits -- Transistor equivalent circuits -- Electrical machines -- Solid-state electronic properties -- Miscellaneous -- Gauges for wire and sheet metal -- Standard screw threads -- References.
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: Q1-390
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 50; ; 300; ; 001.3;
Book Industry Communication: GT
bisacsh: SCI000000
General -- The Greek alphabet -- SI units -- Other metric units -- Multiples and submultiples -- Conversion factors -- Mathematics -- Logarithms, base 10 -- Natural sines, natural cosines -- Natural tangents, natural cotangents -- Degrees to radians, etc. -- Logarithms of factorials -- Circular functions -- Exponential funefons -- Constants -- Binomial coefficients -- Series -- Fourier series for certain waveforms -- Trigonometric, hyperbolic and exponential functions -- Trigonometric relations -- Hyperbolic relations -- Differentials -- Indefinite integrals -- Definite integrals -- Fourier transform -- Laplace transform -- Complex variable -- Algebraic equations -- Differential equations -- Vector analysis -- Matrices -- Properties of plane curves and figures -- Moments of inertia, etc., of rigid bodies -- Numerical analysis -- Statistics -- Properties of matter -- Physical constants -- The periodic table -- Atomic properties of the elements -- Physical properties of solids -- Mechanical properties of solids -- Work functions -- Properties of semiconductors -- Properties of ferromagnetic materials -- Superconducting materials -- Properties of liquids -- Thermodynamic properties of fluids -- Properties of gases -- Thermochemical data for equilibrium reactions -- Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics -- Thermodynamic relations -- Equations for fluid flow -- Dimensionless groups -- Convective heat transfer: empirical formulae -- Black-body radiation -- Generalized compressibility chart -- Tables for compressible flow of a perfect gas -- Oblique shocks: shock-wave angle versus flow-deflection angle -- Oblique shocks: pressure ratio and downstream Mach number -- Coefficient of friction for pipes -- Coefficients of loss for pipe fittings -- Boundary-layer friction and drag -- Open-channel flow -- Elasticity and structures -- Two-dimensional stress and strain -- Three-dimensional stress and strain -- Bending of laterally loaded plates -- Torsion -- Yield criteria -- Beams and structural members -- Stability functions for uniform sections -- Dimensions and properties of British Standard sections to B.S.4. -- Mechanics -- Statics -- Kinematics -- Dynamics -- Vibrations -- Electricity -- Electromagnetism -- Linear passive circuits -- Rectangular waveguides -- Resonant cavities -- Radiation and aerials -- Poles and zeros -- Linear active circuits -- Transistor equivalent circuits -- Electrical machines -- Solid-state electronic properties -- Miscellaneous -- Gauges for wire and sheet metal -- Standard screw threads -- References.
This book brings together information which is used by engineers, and needed especially by students of engineering, but difficult to find in a collected form. In this respect engineering, perhaps because it is more often divided into separate branches, has so far been less well served than the other physical sciences; we hope to have in part redressed the balance. The contents are designed chiefly for engineering students of all kinds in universities and colleges, but they should also prove useful to practising engineers as a general reference. There was some difficulty in choosing numerical values for parts of the section Properties of Matter. Information was culled from a range of sources which sometimes show an alarming lack of consistency. Given a choice, we have used values which are either average or more likely to be reliable. The degree of tolerance required varies very widely between, for example, the precision to which thermodynamic proper­ ties of steam are known and the uncertainty in those mechanical properties of solids which depend strongly on quality and preparation. The tables on pages 4-12 inclusive are reproduced from S.M.P. Advanced Tables by permission of Cambridge University Press. The tables on pages 35 and 36 are reproduced from Elementary Statistical Tables: lindley and Miller, h./ permission of Cambridge University Press. The tables on pages 37 and 38 are reproduced by permission of the Biometrika Trustees.
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