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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 775380326
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1970
Online-Ressource (190p) : online resource
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789024700479
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789401031660
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-90-247-0047-9 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
one: Introduction and MethodI. The Subjective Digression -- II. A Synthetic Method for the Study of Empirical Ontology -- two: Nature -- III. Formal Materialism: The New Version -- IV. Full Concreteness and the Re-materialization of Matter -- V. A Material Theory of Reference -- VI. How Abstract Things Survive -- three: Human Nature -- VII. Artifactualism -- VIII. The Ambivalence of Aggression and the Moralization of Man -- IX. Human Nature and Institutions -- X. Cultural Conditioning -- four: The Limits of Nature -- XI. Spirit as a Property of Matter -- XII. A Religion for the New Materialism -- XIII. God -- References.
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Klassifikation der Library of Congress: B1-5802
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 10; ; 126;
Book Industry Communication: HPM
bisacsh: PHI000000
one: Introduction and Method -- I. The Subjective Digression -- II. A Synthetic Method for the Study of Empirical Ontology -- two: Nature -- III. Formal Materialism: The New Version -- IV. Full Concreteness and the Re-materialization of Matter -- V. A Material Theory of Reference -- VI. How Abstract Things Survive -- three: Human Nature -- VII. Artifactualism -- VIII. The Ambivalence of Aggression and the Moralization of Man -- IX. Human Nature and Institutions -- X. Cultural Conditioning -- four: The Limits of Nature -- XI. Spirit as a Property of Matter -- XII. A Religion for the New Materialism -- XIII. God -- References.
A wholly new theory of matter has been advanced in the last half century by modern physics, but there has been no new theory of ma­ terialism to match it. The occurrence of a revolution of such magni­ tude in science will have to be understood as calling for a corresponding one in philosophy. The present work is an attempt to make a start in that direction. Grateful acknowledgment is hereby made to the Editors of the fol­ lowing journals for permission to reprint articles which first appeared in their pages: to Darshana for "Human Nature and Institutions"; to Diogenes for "Full Concreteness and the Re-Materialization of Matter"; to Perspectives in Biology and Medicine for "The Ambiva­ lence of Aggression and the Moralization of Man"; to Philosophy and Phenomenological Research for "Formal Materialism Reconfirmed" (which appears here revised and extended as "Formal Materialism: The New Version"), and for "Artifactualism: The Origin of Man and His Tools"; to Philosophy Today for "How Abstract Objects Survive"; to Religious Studies for "A Religion for the New Materialism"; and to Tulane Studies in PhilosoPhy for "A Material Theory of Reference. " PART ONE INTRODUCTION AND METHOD CHAPTER I THE SUBJECTIVE DIGRESSION Every philosophy endeavors to be as comprehensive as possible, and when philosophers speak they do so for the whole world.
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