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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 775379484
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1973
Online-Ressource (191p) : online resource
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789401024587
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789024715473
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789401024570
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-94-010-2458-7 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
I The Theory Of DiasporaI. The Diaspora: Origin and Meaning -- II. The Consequences Of Diaspora -- III. The Diaspora and Jewish Character -- II The Emancipation -- IV. The French Experience Pre-Emancipation -- V. The Emancipation -- VI. Dreyfus -- VII. The Russian Diaspora: The Matrix -- VIII. The Russian Zion Alternative -- III The Modern Agony -- IX. The German-Jewish Synthesis -- X. Anti-Semitism, Nationalism, Self-Hate, The Failure Of Symbiosis -- Epilogue. Is America Different?.
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: D1-DX301
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 900;
Book Industry Communication: HB
Book Industry Communication: HBAH
bisacsh: HIS000000
I The Theory Of Diaspora -- I. The Diaspora: Origin and Meaning -- II. The Consequences Of Diaspora -- III. The Diaspora and Jewish Character -- II The Emancipation -- IV. The French Experience Pre-Emancipation -- V. The Emancipation -- VI. Dreyfus -- VII. The Russian Diaspora: The Matrix -- VIII. The Russian Zion Alternative -- III The Modern Agony -- IX. The German-Jewish Synthesis -- X. Anti-Semitism, Nationalism, Self-Hate, The Failure Of Symbiosis -- Epilogue. Is America Different?.
Few questions have agitated thoughtful Jews as much as the one touching on identity. The problem arose originally from the situation of the Jews as a diaspora community. From the time of Philo and probably before, great energies have been expended by Jews in seeking to understand the meaning of the Jewish dispersion. In recent times the problem has been transformed from a largely academic and relig­ ious issue into a political one, to wit the furious debates in modern Israel over the citizenship quandary. For more than twenty years now the Jewish State has been rocked by violent and often acrimonious discussion over the who is a Jew controversy. The consequences of these exchanges have had reverberations all over the Jewish world since a final determination of this issue could not but have important bearing on present-day diaspora communities. For reasons that are natural and understandable Israeli historians such as Baer, Dinur and Kauffman have written extensively and brilliantly about the diaspora dimensionin Jewishhistory. Theirfocus, however, has been influenced strongly by the re-birth of Israel as a political entity in this century. This has predisposed them not unex­ pectedly to view the vast historical sweep of diaspora history aspart of a spectrum which reflects the return to Israel as a dominant shading in the analysis.
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