Deutsch Englisch






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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 775369438
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Fourth edition
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1986
Online-Ressource : online resource
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-0-412-28330-7 (Druckausgabe)
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1 Introduction2 Magnetic methods -- 2.1 Short history -- 2.2 Basic concepts and units -- 2.3 Magnetic properties of rocks -- 2.4 The geomagnetic field -- 2.5 Instruments of magnetic surveying -- 2.6 Survey layout and field procedure -- 2.7 Relative merits of horizontal, vertical and total-field measurements -- 2.8 Qualitative interpretation of magnetic anomalies -- 2.9 Quantitative interpretation -- 2.10 Effect of demagnetization -- 2.11 Some examples of magnetic investigations -- Problems -- 3 Gravitational methods -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Gravitational field of the earth -- 3.3 Measurement of gravity: absolute and relative measurements -- 3.4 Gravimeters -- 3.5 Field procedure -- 3.6 Corrections to gravity observations -- 3.7 The Bouguer anomaly -- 3.8 Density determinations -- 3.9 Interpretation -- 3.10 Depth determinations -- 3.11 Some theoretical aspects of gravity interpretation -- 3.12 Determination of total anomalous mass -- 3.13 Vertical derivatives of gravity -- 3.14 Illustrations of gravity surveys and interpretation -- 3.15 Note on marine gravity measurements -- Problems -- 4 Electrical methods -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Self-potential method -- 4.3 Earth resistivity -- 4.4 Some practical aspects of resistivity work -- 4.5 Vertical electrical sounding (VES) -- 4.6 Electrical mapping -- 4.7 Anisotropic earth -- Problems -- 5 Induced polarization -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Measures of IP -- 5.3 Origin of IP -- 5.4 Electromagnetic coupling -- 5.5 Example of an IP survey -- Problems -- 6 Electromagnetic continuous wave, transient-field and telluric methods -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Electromagnetic induction -- 6.3 Elliptic polarization -- 6.4 Free-space magnetic fields of low-frequency sources -- 6.5 Near and far fields -- 6.6 Classification of artificial source, continuous wave methods -- 6.7 Near-field CW methods -- 6.8 Far-field methods -- 6.9 Interpretational aids in EM prospecting -- 6.10 Depth penetration -- 6.11 Influence of overburden conductivity -- 6.12 Transient-field methods (time-domain EM) -- 6.13 Influence of magnetic permeability -- 6.14 Controlled-source electromagnetic sounding -- 6.15 Natural-field methods -- 6.16 Airborne measurements -- 6.17 Note on the design of electromagnetic coils -- Problems -- 7 Seismic methods -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Elastic constants and waves -- 7.3 The reflection method -- 7.4 The refraction method -- Problems -- 8 Radioactivity methods -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Theoretical background -- 8.3 Radioactivity of rocks -- 8.4 Radiation detectors and field procedure -- 8.5 Radon measurements -- 8.6 Radioactive density determinations -- 8.7 Airborne radioactivity measurements -- 9 Well logging in oil fields -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Permeable zones -- 9.3Archie’s law -- 9.4 Permeability-zone logs -- 9.5 Resistivity and conductivity logs -- 9.6 Porosity logs -- 9.7 Auxiliary logs and measurements -- 9.8 Basic log interpretation procedure -- 10 Miscellaneous methods and topics -- 10.1 Borehole magnetometer -- 10.2 Mise-à-la-masse method -- 10.3 Logging in crystalline rocks and coal fields -- 10.4 Geothermal methods -- 10.5 Geochemical prospecting -- 10.6 Optimum point and line spacing -- 10.7 Position location in airborne surveying -- 10.8 Composite surveys -- Appendices -- Appendix 1 The magnetic potential -- Appendix 2 Magnetized sphere and a magnetic dipole -- Appendix 3 Magnetic anomaly of a sphere -- Appendix 4 Measurement of susceptibility and remanence -- Appendix 5 Magnetic potential of a linear dipole and the anomalies of thin and thick sheets 362 Appendix 6 Demagnetization ‘factors’ for a rectangular parallelepiped -- Appendix 7 Electric potential -- Appendix 8 Apparent resistivities for dipole-diople configurations -- Appendix 9 Potential of a point current electrode on the surface of a horizontally-layered earth -- Appendix 10 Homogeneous, anisotropic earth (derivation of Eq. (4.73)) -- Appendix 11 Single-turn loop and other topics in electromagnetic methods -- Appendix 12 Acoustic impedance -- Appendix 13 Fourier transforms and convolution -- References -- Answers and hints.
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