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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 359465420
Aufsätze 1.  Recovering memory is regaining dignity : collective memory and migration in France
/ Teulières, Laure. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.300-318
Aufsätze 2.  Whatever happened to the Albanians? Some clues to a twentieth-century European mystery
/ Blumi, Isa *1969-*. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.281-299
Aufsätze 3.  Do national narratives matter? Identity formation among Portuguese migrants in France and Germany
/ Klimt, Andrea. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.257-280
Aufsätze 4.  The impact of distorted memory : historical narratives and expellee integration in West Germany, 1945-1970
/ Ahonen, Pertti. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.238-256
Aufsätze 5.  The role of discourse in the construction of an Emigré community : Ukrainian displaced persons in Germany and Austria after the Second World War
/ Kulyk, Volodymyr. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.213-237
Aufsätze 6.  Constructing boundaries in a multicultural nation : the discourse of "overforeignization" in Switzerland
/ Skenderovic, Damir. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.186-212
Aufsätze 7.  Gendered policies - gendered patterns : female labour migration from Turkey to Germany from the 1960s to the 1990s
/ Erdem, Esra. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.167-185
Aufsätze 8.  The Norwegian encounter with Pakistanis : diversities and paradoxes on the road to Norway's immigration stop
/ Tjelmeland, Hallvard. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.148-166
Aufsätze 9.  Why governments do not learn : colonial migrants and Gypsy refugees in the Netherlands
/ Willems, Wim. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.123-147
Aufsätze 10.  The political consequences of forced population transfers : refugees incorporation in Greece and West Germany
/ Triadafilopoulos, Triadafilos. - In: Ohliger, Rainer *1967-*. European encounters (2003), S.99-122
[CLT] Siehe auch: schönwälder | postwar | twentiethcentury | migrants | encounters | female | twentieth | narratives | germany | immigration
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359465420 [ALL] Alle Wörter 16
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