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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 350591881
Aufsätze 1.  Adaptation to challenges
/ Dolsak, Nives. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.337-360
Aufsätze 2.  Using social capital to create political capital : how do local communities gain political influence? A theoretical approach and empirical evidence from Thailand
/ Birner, Regina *1966-*. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.291-334
Aufsätze 3.  A framework for analysing the physical-, social-, and human-capital effects of microcredit on common-pool resources
/ Anderson, C. Leigh. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.265-290
Aufsätze 4.  Shaping local forest tenure in national politics
/ Lindayati, Rita. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.221-264
Aufsätze 5.  Multilateral emission trading : heterogeneity in domestic and international common-pool resource management
/ Farrell, Alexander E.. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.169-218
Aufsätze 6.  Stakeholders, courts, and communities : individual transferable quotas in Iceland fisheries, 1991 - 2001
/ Eythórsson, Einar. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.129-168
Aufsätze 7.  Privatizing the commons ... twelve years later : fisher's experiences with New Zealand's market-based fisheries management
/ Yandle, Tracy. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.101-128
Aufsätze 8.  The relationship between resource definition and scale : considering the forest
/ Geores, Martha E.. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.77-98
Aufsätze 9.  Transition in the American fishing commons : management problems and institutional design challenges
/ Hanna, Susan S.. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.61-76
Aufsätze 10.  Changes in the territorial system of the main lobster industry
/ Acheson, James M. *1938-*. - In: The commons in the new millennium (2003), S.37-60
[PRS] Person (Phrase: Nachname, Vorname): Ostrom, Elinor
[CLT] Siehe auch: pool | commons | fisheries | adaptation | forest | challenges | common | commonpool | communities
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350591881 [ALL] Alle Wörter 12
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