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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 185056938X
Aufsätze 1.  After 1776 : Native nations, settler colonialism, and the meaning of America
/ Ostler, Jeffrey. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.165-179
Aufsätze 2.  Britain's culture war : disguising imperial politics as historical debate about empire
/ Satia, Priya. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.153-164
Aufsätze 3.  Italy : beyond the clichés that obscure unacceptable histories
/ Fuller, Mia. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.143-152
Aufsätze 4.  National history in France : from debate to cultural battle
/ Ledoux, Sébastien. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.133-142
Aufsätze 5.  Patriotic history in postcolonial Germany : thirty years after "reunification"
/ Volk, Sabine. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.121-132
Aufsätze 6.  The Baltic model of civic-patriotic history
/ Davoliūtė, Voleta. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.109-120
Aufsätze 7.  Politics of innocence : Holocaust memory in Poland
/ Kończal, Kornelia. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.95-108
Aufsätze 8.  The illiberal memory politics in Hungary
/ Petö, Andrea. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.86-94
Aufsätze 9.  Renationalizing memory in the post-Yugoslav region
/ Trošt, Tamara P.. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.74-85
Aufsätze 10.  Holodomor and the Holocaust in Ukraine as cultural memory : comparison, competition, interaction
/ Kasianov, Georgiy. - Enthalten in: Kończal, Kornelia *1982-*. Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory (2023), S.62-73
[CLT] Siehe auch: patriotic | patriotism | memory | holocaust | debate | histories | colonialism | after | national
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185056938x [ALL] Alle Wörter 17
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