Regulating Knowledge in an Entangled World uses case studies from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries to study knowledge transfer in early modern knowledge societies.

In the early modern period the scale, intensity, and reach of exchange exploded. This volume develops a historicised understanding of knowledge transfer to shed new light on these fundamental changes. By looking at the preconditions of knowledge transfer, it shifts the focus from the objects circulating to the interactions by which they circulate and the way actors cement their relations. The novelty of this approach shows how rules and regulations were enablers of knowledge circulation, rather than impediments. The chapters identify changing patterns of knowledge transfer in cases such as sixteenth-century Venice, the Spanish Empire in the Americas, continental Habsburg, early seventeenth-century Dutch at sea, and the Offices of the Catholic Church. Through the perspective of ‘regulating’, this volume advances the historiography of knowledge circulation by forging a new combination of histories of circulation and of institutions.

By bringing together historians from intellectual history, economic history, book history, the history of science, religion, art, and material culture, this volume is useful for students and scholars interested in early modern knowledge societies and changing patterns of knowledge transfer.

chapter |19 pages


Regulating Knowledge: Rules as Enablers

part 1|48 pages


chapter 1|21 pages

Guidelines for Reading

Medieval censura and Roman Censorship

chapter 2|25 pages

Regulating Dangerous Knowledge

John Lockman's (1698–1771) Enlightened Readings of Jesuit Letters

part 2|58 pages


chapter 4|15 pages

Regulating the Form

How Manuscript Newsletters Influenced the Standards for Dutch Printed Newspapers (c. 1580–1630)

chapter 5|20 pages

Lost in Regulation

The Hybrid Stage of Trade Knowledge

part 3|40 pages


chapter 6|20 pages

Instructing Trade and War

Regulating Knowledge and People on Faraway Dutch Voyages ca. 1600

chapter 7|18 pages

Regulating the Transfer of Secret Knowledge in Renaissance Venice

A Form of Early Modern Management

part 4|74 pages


chapter 8|24 pages

Risking Private Ventures

The Instructive Failure of a Well-Traveled Artist, Cornelis de Bruyn

chapter 9|18 pages

On Censors and Booksellers

Curial Elites and the Regulation of Roman Book Trade in the Seventeenth Century

chapter 10|30 pages

Regulating the Exchange of Knowledge

Invoking the ‘Republic of Letters’ as a Speech Act