1. Introduction
2. Flexible borders, permeable territories and the role of water management in territorial dynamics in Pre-Hispanic and Early Hispanic Peru
3. Ihuan yehhuan tlacuauh tlamauhtiah in ichcapixqueh. “And the shepherds are inspiring great fear”. Environment, control of resources and collective agency in colonial and modern Tlaxcala
4. Ñudzahui Custom, Contracts, and Territoriality in Eighteenth-Century Oaxaca
5. The Yoreme creation of itom ania in northwestern Mexico: histories of cultural landscapes
6. Gender Disparities in Guaraní Knowledge, Literacy, and Fashion in the Ecological Borderlands of Colonial and Early Nineteenth-Century Paraguay
7. Combining Visions of Well-Being through the Generational Gap: The Views of Tlaxcala Old and Young on Environment, Tradition and Language
8. “Amo kitlapanas tetl!”: Heritage language and the defense against fracking in the Huasteca Potosina, Mexico
9.The Interrelation between Language, History and Traditional Ecological Knowledge within the Nahuat-Pipil context of El Salvador
10. Cenotes and placemaking in the Maya world: biocultural landscapes as archival spaces
11. Nakua nukuu ini Ñuu Savi: Nakua jíno, nakua ka’on de nakua sa’on ja kuatyi Koo Yoso. Memory and cultural continuity of the Ñuu Savi People: Ancestral knowledge, language and rituals around Koo Yoso deity
12. Tlaneltoquilli tlen mochihua ica cintli ipan tlalli Chicontepec: tlamantli chicahualiztli ipan tochinanco. Ceremonial practices relating to corn in the region of Chicontepec: local aspects of wellbeing. .