Adolescents Family Models : A Cross-Cultural Study

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Familienmodelle Jugendlicher: Eine kulturvergleichende Studie
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This study explores and compares the family models of adolescents across ten cultures using a typological and multilevel approach. Thereby, it aims to empirically contribute to Kagitcibasi s (2007) theory of family change. This theory postulates the existence of three ideal-typical family models across cultures: a family model of independence prevailing in Western societies, a family model of (total) interdependence prevailing in non-industrialized agrarian cultures, and as a synthesis of the latter two a family model of emotional interdependence. This family model should develop when collectivistic cultures are modernizing/industrializing. Thus, traditional cultures characterized by a family model of (total) interdependence should not go all the way to the family model of independence when undergoing modernization processes but instead develop an emotionally interdependent model that allows combining autonomy and close interpersonal relatedness. This assumption contradicts classical modernization-theoretical approaches and has not been tested yet sufficiently in empirical studies. In a first step, adolescents general and family-related values are explored in a typological multilevel approach to obtain value profiles that can be related to the three ideal-typical family models. In a further step, these value profiles are validated by relating them to family model indicators representing concrete behavioral intentions. The data for this study come from the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary project "Value of Children and Intergenerational Relations" (Trommsdorff, 2001) (funded by the German Research Foundation) and contain a sample of 2566 male and female adolescents from the People s Republic of China, Germany, France, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Switzerland, and Turkey.
To identify the assumed family model value profiles at the cultural and individual level, cluster analyses were employed. At both levels of analysis three value profiles corresponding to the expected pattern of the three ideal-typical family models emerged. The value profile corresponding to the family model of emotional interdependence was similar to the profile corresponding to the family model of (total) interdependence with respect to value orientations representing emotional relatedness, and similar to the profile corresponding to the family model of independence with respect to value orientations representing autonomy and material interdependencies among family members. Furthermore, culture-level and individual-level analyses corresponded with respect to cluster-membership: cultures displaying a specific family model value profile in the culture-level analysis were "populated" by a majority of adolescents who displayed the same type of family model value profile in the individual-level analysis.
To validate the identified family model value profiles these were related to family model indicators representing concrete behavioral intentions. The prediction was carried out separately for the value profiles identified at the cultural as well as the individual level. Employing multinomial logistic regression models, first the effect of family model value profiles on adolescents readiness to help their parents with household work was analyzed. Results showed a strong effect of family model value profiles on both levels of analysis: nearly all adolescents with a family model of (total) interdependence would help their parents instead of meeting their friends as they originally planned. Two thirds of adolescents with a family model of emotional interdependence would help their parents, whereas only one third adolescents with a family model of independence would do the same. For the relation of family model value profiles to adolescents plans to start an own family in the future overall weaker effects were found: adolescents with a family model of (total) interdependence reported the strongest intention to get married and have children in the future, those with a family model of emotional interdependence were most insecure in this regard, and those with a family model of independence were most likely not to plan to get married and have children. Nevertheless, family future orientation was strong in all family models and cultural groups. There were no effects of family models and culture on adolescents sex preference regarding a future child: the participants either did not report any preference or preferred their own sex.
Overall, the results strengthen the controversial validity of the family model of emotional interdependence at the cultural and individual level with regard to value profiles and their relation to more behaviorally relevant family model indicators. Whether this family model represents a synthetical convergence model as suggested by Kagitcibasi s theory, or rather represents a transitional model has to be studied in future research.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Die vorliegende kulturvergleichende Arbeit befasst sich mit den Familienmodellen Jugendlicher in zehn Kulturen auf Basis eines typologischen Ansatzes und eines Mehrebenenansatzes. Sie leistet damit einen empirischen Beitrag zur Theorie der Familienmodelle im kulturellen Wandel nach Kagitcibasi (2007). Diese Theorie postuliert die Existenz dreier idealtypischer Familienmodelle: ein Familienmodell der Independenz, das in industrialisierten westlichen Gesellschaften vorherrscht, ein Familienmodell der (vollständigen) Interdependenz, das in nicht-industrialisierten agrarischen Kulturen zu finden ist, und als Synthese aus den beiden genannten ein Familienmodell der emotionalen Interdependenz. Letzteres entwickelt sich der Theorie zufolge, wenn nicht-industrialisierte kollektivistische Kulturen Modernisierungsprozessen ausgesetzt sind. Traditionelle Kulturen mit einem Familienmodell der (vollständigen) Interdependenz sollen sich also im Zuge gesellschaftlicher Modernisierungsprozesse nicht notwendigerweise hin zum Familienmodell der Independenz entwickeln, sondern zu einem emotional-interdependenten Modell, das erlaubt, Autonomie mit enger interpersoneller Verbundenheit zu vereinen. Diese Annahme steht im Widerspruch zu klassischen modernisierungstheoretischen Annahmen und wurde in bisherigen Studien nur unzureichend geprüft. In einem typologischen Mehrebenen-Ansatz sollen Profile allgemeiner und familienbezogener Werthaltungen Jugendlicher identifiziert werden, die mit den drei idealtypischen Familienmodellen theoretisch verbunden werden können. In einem zweiten Schritt sollen diese Wertemuster durch verhaltensnähere Familienmodellindikatoren validiert werden. Die Daten für diese Arbeit stammen aus der von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten kulturvergleichenden und interdisziplinären Value of Children and Intergenerational Relations Studie (Trommsdorff, 2001) und umfassen eine Stichprobe von 2566 Jugendlichen aus der Volksrepublik China, Deutschland, Frankreich, Indien, Indonesien, Israel, Japan, Südafrika, der Schweiz und der Türkei.
Zur Identifikation der angenommen Familienmodell-Werteprofile wurden Cluster-Analysen auf der Kultur- und auf der Individualebene durchgeführt. Auf beiden Analyseebenen zeigten sich drei Werteprofile, die dem erwarteten Muster der drei idealtypischen Familienmodelle entsprachen. Das Familienmodell der emotionalen Interdependenz zeigte dabei bezüglich der Werthaltungen, die emotionale Interdependenzen in der Familie widerspiegeln ähnlich hohe Werte wie das Familienmodell der (vollständigen) Interdependenz, dagegen zeigte es ähnliche Werte wie das Familienmodell der Independenz in Bezug auf Autonomie und materielle Interdependenz widerspiegelnde Werte. In Kulturen, die auf der Kulturebene ein bestimmtes Familienmodell-Werteprofil aufwiesen befanden sich zudem überwiegend Jugendliche, die das jeweils korrespondierende Werteprofil auf der individuellen Analyseebene aufzeigten.
Zur Validierung der erhaltenen Familienmodell-Werteprofile wurden diese zu verhaltensnäheren Merkmalen von Familienmodellen in Beziehung gesetzt. Die Vorhersage erfolgte auch hier jeweils getrennt für die Kultur- und Individualebene. Mit Hilfe multinomialer logistischer Modelle wurde zunächst der Effekt der Familienmodell-Werteprofile auf die Bereitschaft der Jugendlichen überprüft, ihren Eltern bei der Hausarbeit zu helfen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten einen starken Effekt der Familienmodell-Werteprofile auf beiden Analyseebenen: fast alle Jugendlichen mit einem Familienmodell der (vollständigen) Interdependenz würden ihren Eltern helfen statt sich wie geplant mit ihren Freunden zu treffen, wohingegen nur zwei Drittel bzw. nur ein Drittel der Jugendlichen mit einem Familienmodell der emotionalen Interdependenz bzw. der Independenz der Bitte der Eltern folgen würde. In Bezug auf die familienbezogenen Zukunftsorientierungen Jugendlicher zeigte sich für die Pläne für eine zukünftige Heirat/Beziehung, dass Jugendliche mit einem Familienmodell der (vollständigen) Interdependenz den stärksten Heiratswunsch hatten. Jugendliche mit einem Familienmodell der emotionalen Interdependenz waren bezüglich dieser Frage am unsichersten, und Jugendliche mit einem Familienmodell der Independenz äußerten die stärkste Ablehnung in dieser Frage. In Bezug auf Pläne, später eigene Kinder zu haben zeigten sich ähnliche Effekte, die aber insgesamt schwächer ausfielen. Insgesamt zeigte sich trotz der Unterschiede eine hohe familienbezogene Zukunftsorientierung in allen Familienmodell-Werteprofilen sowie in allen Kulturen. Bezüglich der Sohn- bzw. Tochterpräferenz zeigten sich keine Effekte der Familienmodell- und Kulturzugehörigkeit.
Die Ergebnisse der Studie stärken die umstrittene Validität insbesondere des Familienmodells der emotionalen Interdependenz. Ob es sich hierbei im Sinne der Theorie von Kagitcibasi um ein synthetisches Konvergenzmodell oder eher um ein Übergangsmodell handelt, muss zukünftige Forschung zeigen.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
150 Psychologie
Familienmodelle, Werthaltungen, Zukunftsorientierung, Value of Children, cross-cultural comparison, adolescence, family models, future orientation, value of children
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690MAYER, Boris, 2009. Adolescents Family Models : A Cross-Cultural Study [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Adolescents  Family Models : A Cross-Cultural Study},
  author={Mayer, Boris},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">This study explores and compares the family models of adolescents across ten cultures using a typological and multilevel approach. Thereby, it aims to empirically contribute to Kagitcibasi s (2007) theory of family change. This theory postulates the existence of three ideal-typical family models across cultures: a family model of independence prevailing in Western societies, a family model of (total) interdependence prevailing in non-industrialized agrarian cultures, and as a synthesis of the latter two a family model of emotional interdependence. This family model should develop when collectivistic cultures are modernizing/industrializing. Thus, traditional cultures characterized by a family model of (total) interdependence should not go all the way to the family model of independence when undergoing modernization processes but instead develop an emotionally interdependent model that allows combining autonomy and close interpersonal relatedness. This assumption contradicts classical modernization-theoretical approaches and has not been tested yet sufficiently in empirical studies. In a first step, adolescents  general and family-related values are explored in a typological multilevel approach to obtain value profiles that can be related to the three ideal-typical family models. In a further step, these value profiles are validated by relating them to family model indicators representing concrete behavioral intentions. The data for this study come from the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary project "Value of Children and Intergenerational Relations" (Trommsdorff, 2001) (funded by the German Research Foundation) and contain a sample of 2566 male and female adolescents from the People s Republic of China, Germany, France, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Switzerland, and Turkey.&lt;br /&gt;To identify the assumed family model value profiles at the cultural and individual level, cluster analyses were employed. At both levels of analysis three value profiles corresponding to the expected pattern of the three ideal-typical family models emerged. The value profile corresponding to the family model of emotional interdependence was similar to the profile corresponding to the family model of (total) interdependence with respect to value orientations representing emotional relatedness, and similar to the profile corresponding to the family model of independence with respect to value orientations representing autonomy and material interdependencies among family members. Furthermore, culture-level and individual-level analyses corresponded with respect to cluster-membership: cultures displaying a specific family model value profile in the culture-level analysis were "populated" by a majority of adolescents who displayed the same type of family model value profile in the individual-level analysis.&lt;br /&gt;To validate the identified family model value profiles these were related to family model indicators representing concrete behavioral intentions. The prediction was carried out separately for the value profiles identified at the cultural as well as the individual level. Employing multinomial logistic regression models, first the effect of family model value profiles on adolescents  readiness to help their parents with household work was analyzed. Results showed a strong effect of family model value profiles on both levels of analysis: nearly all adolescents with a family model of (total) interdependence would help their parents instead of meeting their friends as they originally planned. Two thirds of adolescents with a family model of emotional interdependence would help their parents, whereas only one third adolescents with a family model of independence would do the same. For the relation of family model value profiles to adolescents  plans to start an own family in the future overall weaker effects were found: adolescents with a family model of (total) interdependence reported the strongest intention to get married and have children in the future, those with a family model of emotional interdependence were most insecure in this regard, and those with a family model of independence were most likely not to plan to get married and have children. Nevertheless, family future orientation was strong in all family models and cultural groups. There were no effects of family models and culture on adolescents  sex preference regarding a future child: the participants either did not report any preference or preferred their own sex.&lt;br /&gt;Overall, the results strengthen the controversial validity of the family model of emotional interdependence at the cultural and individual level with regard to value profiles and their relation to more behaviorally relevant family model indicators. Whether this family model represents a synthetical convergence model as suggested by Kagitcibasi s theory, or rather represents a transitional model has to be studied in future research.</dcterms:abstract>
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Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
Prüfdatum der URL
Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
July 21, 2009
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