The Importance of Making Available Research as a Competence Course. Missionary Trainee among the Muslims

Master's Thesis, 2021

120 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

The purpose of this study is to make the readers to examine and understand the importance of making available research as a competence course for missionary trainees that will be working among the unreached Muslims people group. It will share with trainees what has been known about mission research among unreached people groups in order to assist them in doing the cross-culturalmissionarywork effectively. It is not with the purpose of making them to become academic researchers who gather information that very few people can use, but to help them become researchers who can discover opportunities for preaching the gospel among the unreached; and to become researchers who can be actively involved in unreached people groups.

Culture shock and culture stress are common, but also expected and apparently not a primary direct cause of missionary attrition. But they certainly affect the quality of the missionary experience and impact the overall resilience of the missionary. And lowered resilience certainly does affect missionary attrition. One popular Nigerian adage says, "prevention is better than curing", meaning do what you need to do now, before it becomes crisis management. Proper planning will prevent poor performance; while poor preparation will present poor performance. Culture shock and culture stress and other factors of attrition for the cross-cultural missionary can be avoided with proper training. When a missionary heads into an unreached people, there are high expectations all around. But, before they even leave for this difficult endeavor, there must be an assurance that they are adequately equipped, that their zeal is equally balanced with knowledge.

The main purpose of this study is to make the readers to understand the importance of making available research as a competence course for missionary trainees that will be working among the unreached Muslims people group. This research has focused on thorough examination of the relevant literature and seek to uncover the meaning of doing research as a competence course; the ways in which research is valuable in a missionary training program; the most effective time in a missionary training program to provide a research training process and the implications of doing research among workers in Muslim communities that result in long-term effective ministry.


The Importance of Making Available Research as a Competence Course. Missionary Trainee among the Muslims
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importance, making, available, research, competence, course, missionary, trainee, muslims
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Abiodun Owoade (Author), 2021, The Importance of Making Available Research as a Competence Course. Missionary Trainee among the Muslims, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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