The influence of multinational enterprises on politics in emerging countries

Term Paper, 2018

8 Pages, Grade: 1,3

Abstract or Introduction

My research question is: How much influence do multinational enterprises have on politics in emerging countries? The reason why this subject was chosen is because I think that there are just a few studies about it. Especially the economic impact of multinational enterprises on emerging countries is well researched but not the political impacts on the host nation.

In times of changing world orders, new actors, and new technologies every aspect in research changes. Fields like environment, development, politics have changed and must deal with obstacles at a global scale. This vary also took place in Ethnography. The first records about Ethnography were found in the antiquity and since then, there is a constant ongoing change. Especially with the beginning of the European colonisation in the 16th Century, Ethnography's importance grew a lot. After that, Ethnography lost distinction because of the publishing of Bronistaw Malinowski's diaries. In this he described his depression und his anger against the inhabitants of the Trobriand-Islands. He was one of the founding fathers of field research.

However, nowadays Ethnography gains again more popularity due to ongoing globalisation and with its possible emerging hazards. Over this period, it has evolved. Finn Stepputat and Jessica Larsen with their working paper: "Global political ethnography: A methodological approach to studying global policy regimes" try to bring Ethnography at the next level. They want to contribute to the emerging cross-disciplinary methods. Their focus is on academic fields, in which ethnographic studies of politics are rising on importance. My term paper will approach global political ethnography. To show these facts, my goal will be to construct a research problem, define a research question, sketch a theoretical framework and construct the ethnographic field which shall be explored to answer the question.


The influence of multinational enterprises on politics in emerging countries
University of the Federal Armed Forces München
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
Wirtschaft, Ethnographie, Unternehmen, Globale Wirtschaft
Quote paper
Romaeus Hover (Author), 2018, The influence of multinational enterprises on politics in emerging countries, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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