VOLUME ONE: Classical Sociological Theory. Part I: Precursors to Sociological Theory. Introduction to Part I. 1. Thomas Hobbes. "Of the Natural Condition &-- the Commonwealth". 2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. "Of the Social Contract". 3. Immanuel Kant. What is Enlightenment? 4. Adam Smith. "The Wealth of Nations". 5. Adam Smith. "The Theory of Moral Sentiments". Part II: The Sociological Theory of Alexis de Tocqueville. A: Introduction to Part II. 6. The Ancient Regime and the French Revolution. B: Democracy in America. 7. "Influence of Democracy on the Feelings of the Americans". 8. "Tyranny of the Majority". 9. "Influence of Democratic Ideas and Feelings on Society". Part III: The Sociological Theory of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Introduction to Part II. A: Alienation and Historical Materialism. 10. The German Ideology (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels). 11. Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 (Karl Marx). B: History and Class Struggle. 12. Manifesto of the Communist Party (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels). 13. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (Karl Marx). C: Capitalism and the Labor Process. 14. Wage-Labour and Capital (Karl Marx). 15. Classes (Karl Marx). Part IV: The Sociological Theory of Emile Durkheim. Introduction to Part III. A: Society and Social Facts. 16. "The Rules of Sociological Method". B: Solidarity and Modern Life. 17. "The Division of Labor in Society". C: Origins of Collective Conscience. 18. "The Elementary Forms of Religious Life". D: Egoism and Anomie. 19. "Suicide". Part V: Sociological Theory of Max Weber. Introduction to Part IV. A: Method of Social Science. 20. "Objectivity' in Social Science". 21. "Basic Sociological Terms". B: Religion and Rationality. 22. "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism". C: Bureaucracy and Power. 23. "The Distribution of Power Within the Political Community: Class, Status, Party" 24. "The Types of Legitimate Domination" 25. "Bureaucracy". Part VI: Self and Society in Classical Social Theory. Introduction to Part V. A: George Herbert Mead. 26. "The Self". B: Georg Simmel. 27. "The Stranger". 28. "Group Expansion and the Development of Individuality". 29. "The Dyad and the Triad". C: Sigmund Freud. 30. "Civilization and its Discontents". D: W. E. B. Du Bois. 31. "The Souls of Black Folk". E: Thomas &-- Thomas. 32. "Definition of the Situation" (or "Regulation of the Wishes"? Part VII: Critical Theory and the Sociology of Knowledge. Introduction to Part VI. A: Max Horkheimer. 33. "Traditional and Critical Theory". B: Walter Benjamin. 34. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction". C: Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno. 35. "The Culture Industry". D: Herbert Marcuse. 36. "One Dimensional Man". Part VIII: Structural-Functional Analysis. Introduction to Part VII. A: Talcott Parsons. 37. "The Position of Sociological Theory". 38. "An Outline of the Social System". B: Robert Merton. 39. "Manifest and Latent Functions". 40. "On Sociological Theories of the Middle Range".