Preface Part I: India, English, Translation 1. A Minute Stretching into Centuries: Macaulay, English and India 2. Translating Dalit Tamil Literature into English 3. Tamil, Hindi, English: A New Menage a Trois 4. Trans-creating India(s): The Nation in English Translation 5. Karnad, Tughlaq, India Part II: Indian English Literature and the Nation 6. Writing India Writing English 7. Romance in the West: Toru Dutt the Novelist 8. 'Food for Thought': The Tamil World of R. K. Narayan 9. Always in the Poet's Eye: Nissim Ezekiel's India 10. India in Verse: The Indian English Nation 11. Terrifying Tara: The Angst of the Family. Bibliography. About the Author. Index.