Introduction-- Carnival & Masculinity in the Travel Fiction of James De Mille-- "No Money, but Muscle & Pluck": Cultivating Trans-Imperial Manliness for the Fields of Empire, 1870-1901-- Who's on the Home Front? Canadian Masculinity in the NFB's Second World War Series "Canada Carries On"-- Making Art Like a Man!-- "Above Mere Men": The Heterogeneous Male in Attila Richard Lukacs-- Stranger Than Paradise: Immigration & Impaired Masculinities-- The "Hood" Reconfigured: Black Masculinity in Rude-- "Keepin' It Real"? Masculinity, Indigeneity, & Media Representations of Gangsta Rap in Regina-- Fixing Stories "Is Sure a Lot of Work": Watching "the Men's Dance" in Medicine River & Green Grass, Running Water-- Masculinity in a Minority Setting: The Emblematic Body in Simone Chaput's Le coulonneux-- The Politics of Marginalization at the Centre: Canadian Masculinities & Global Capitalism in Douglas Coupland's Generation X-- Dangerous Homosexualities & Disturbing Masculinities: The Disabling Rhetoric of Difference in Barbara Gowdy's Mister Sandman-- What Do Heterosexual Men Want? Or, "The (Wandering) Queer Eye on the (Straight) Guy"-- Boy to the Power of Three: Toronto's Drag Kings-- Life Without Death? Space, Affect, & Masculine Identity in the Work of Frank Cole-- Bibliography.