1. Theoretical and analytical framework 2. Control and loss of control in an historical perspective Policining youth protests and juvenile delinquency in Germany from the 1950s until 1980s Anarchist terrorism in imperial Germany and third Republic France Deescalation by Communication? Dealing with Left-Wing Terrorism in the 1970s and 1980s Ethnic riots in situations of loss of control: regime change, civil war and revolution as opportunity structures for anti-Jewish violence in 19-20th century Europe Control of violence by gun-control. Concepts and activities in the German Empire 1871 -- 1914 Loss of Control over Small-Group Clandestine Violence: The Case of German Terrorism in the Long Twentieth-Century Making war and crafting peace in contemporary Africa The neglected significance of skill formation in control of violence Violence control beyond the state? The case of DR Congo "You can't be donated power": Altruistic Intervention, Political Violence, and Post-War Reconstruction -- the role of 'external' actors in the control of violence 3. Multidisciplinary perspectives on violence Nature of Violence The modernity of violence: decivilizing processes Giving an end to violence Emerging evidence for the theory of low-status compensation and its relationship to violence 4. The Micro-Level: School-Shootings School Shootings: Perceived losses of control -- attempts to regain control School violence and its control in the USA and Germany since the 1950s School shootings: Specific problems of control Prevention, Intervention and Coping with School Shootings (reprint) 5. The Meso-Level: Terrorism Local roots and transnationalism of 'Islamist' terrorism Out of control? Explaining terrorist violence from a Jihadi perspective Transformations of terrorism. The performative character of political violence. The radical milieu: pathways to joining terrorist groups The Grotesque Body and Mystical Conquest: The Case of Shi'i Cult of Martyrdom 6. The Macro Level: Violence in fragile states Modern Barbarism and the propects of civilization. Eliasion themes in an African context Controlling violence in the failed state: An examination of the UN's disarmament, demobilization and reintegration Using fuel to put out a fire? Violence control in the context of 'fragile' states -- the case of vigilantism in Nigeria Oil in the Niger Delta -- militancy and the challenge of violence control Climate change and conflict 7. Mechanisms and "tools" of control 8. Case studies on the mechanism of control Religions actors and their potential of containing violence Impact of religion on prevention and control of violence Religious communities as violent actors Self-Control and the Management of Violence Conscience as an element of self-control Opportunities for de-radicalizing radical milieus Learning terrorism behind individual and collective disengagement Violence, control and the body Cross-National Homicide Trends in the Latter Decades of the 20th Century: Losses and Gains in Institutional Control? 9. Conclusion Loss of control? In what cases and under what circumstances.