Indusrialisation and Society provides an essential introduction to the effects of industrialisation on British society, from Queen Victoria's reign to the birth of the welfare state in the 1940s.
This book deals with the remarkable social consequences of the industrial revolution, as Britain changed into an urban society based on industry. As the first nation to undergo an industrial revolution, Britain was also the first to deal with the unprecedented social problems of rapid urbanisation combined with an unparalleled growth in population.
Industrialisation and Society looks at contemporary ways in which the government and ordinary people tried to cope with these new pressures, and studies their reactions to the unforseen consequences of the steam revolution. In particular, this indispensable book considers:
* the Victorian inheritance
* Edwardian England and the Liberal reforms
* the two world wars
* the Welfare State.



chapter 1|20 pages

The Victorian inheritance

chapter 2|36 pages

The mid-century years

chapter 3|27 pages

After equipoise

Urban problems, 1870–1900

chapter 5|27 pages

The challenge from the left

chapter 6|32 pages

Edwardian England and the Liberal reforms

chapter 7|23 pages

The Great War, 1914–18

chapter 8|43 pages

The inter-war years, 1918–39

chapter 9|33 pages

War and the coming of the Welfare State