OECD Journal: Competition Law and Policy

  • Discontinued

This journal draws on the best of the recent work done for and by the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy. Its articles provide insight into the thinking a competition law enforcers, and focus on the practical application of competition law and policy. Here’s what Robert Pitofsky, Chairman of the US Federal Trade Commission said about this new journal when it was launched: “Global competition is the wave of the future, and comparative analysis of the laws and practices of various members of the worldwide community of nations is a necessary corollary. This new OECD Journal of Competition Law and Policy, compiled from OECD Round Table discussions, summaries of recent developments, and articles on topics of special interest, will introduce regulators, practitioners, and scholars to different regulatory approaches around the world and will allow us to consider in a more informed way the strengths and weaknesses of our own systems.”

English Also available in: French

Preventing Market Abuses and Promoting Economic Efficiency, Growth and Opportunity

Effective competition law and policy are critical to achieving greater levels of economic efficiency, growth, employment and living standards. Pro-competitive reform and sound competition law enforcement have delivered dramatic price reductions, a proliferation of new products, superior quality and service and enhanced innovation wherever they have been embraced. Perhaps more importantly, they have strong links with key pillars of economic growth and development such as investment, governance, the cultivation of an entrepreneurial class, privatisation and trade. Achieving a better appreciation and understanding of these benefits and links is essential to making continued progress in removing ...

English Also available in: French

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