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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (A) January 5, 2011

Performative Prozesse der Kulturbegegnung und des Kulturkontakts: Hybrider und paradoxer Modus

  • Katja Gvozdeva
From the journal Paragrana


This paper discusses the performativity of intercultural encounters and transcultural fields against the background of the leading theoretical concepts and models elaborated within the current cultural studies: cultural transfer, third space, contact zones, transdifference, moment of wonder. The aim is to propose a differentiated methodological approach to intercultural encounters based on the opposition between two different modes of performativity: paradoxical and hybrid.

Published Online: 2011-01-05
Published in Print: 2010-12

© by Akademie Verlag, Berlin, Germany

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