Online-Ressource (X, 400p. 25 illus, digital)
Series Statement:
Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics 41
Series Statement:
Series Statement:
Parallel Title:
Buchausg. u.d.T. Handbook of generative approaches to language acquisition
Grammar, Comparative and general Syntax
Grammar, Comparative and general Syntax
Language and languages
Generative Grammatik
Tom Roeper
Modern linguistic theory has been based on the promise of explaining how language acquisition can occur so rapidly with such subtlety, and with both surprising uniformity and diversity across languages. This handbook provides a summary and assessment of how far that promise has been fulfilled, exploring core concepts in acquisition theory, including notions of the initial state, parameters, triggering theory, the role of competition and frequency, and many others, across a variety of syntactic topics that have formed the central domains of investigation and debate. These topics are treated fro
Description / Table of Contents:
Handbook of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition; Contents; Contributors; Introduction; 1 Some History; 2 Parameters; 3 Interfaces; 4 The Papers; 5 Conclusion; References; Missing Subjects in Early Child Language; 1 Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory; 2 Missing Subjects and Parameter Missettings; 2.1 The Pro-drop Hypothesis; 2.2 Morphological Uniformity; 2.3 The Topic Drop Hypothesis; 2.4 Competing Grammars Hypothesis; 2.5 Null Subjects and RIs: The PRO Hypothesis; 2.6 Null Subjects in Finite Clauses; 2.7 Root Subject Drop and Truncation; 3 Grammar-External Accounts
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3.1 Processing Limitations3.2 Metrical Effects; 3.3 Spontaneous Production and Imitation; 4 Converging Methodologies; 4.1 Null Subjects in Comprehension; 5 Information Structure and Null Subjects; 5.1 Is Effects on Null Subjects in Child Language; 5.2 An Information Structure Account of the VP Length Effect; 6 Some Concluding Remarks; References; Grammatical Computation in the Optional Infinitive Stage; 1 OI and Non-OI Languages; 2 English; 3 Case and OI's; 3.1 Models of the OI Stage: A First Pass; 3.1.1 Radical Omission Models; The UCC; Truncation
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3.2 UCC Versus Truncation: Further Empirical Predictions and Tests3.2.1 OI's in Embedded Sentences; 3.3 Why Does the OI Stage Exist?; 3.4 Empiricist Theories of the OI Stage; 3.5 Be-Omission; 4 Some Omitted Topics; 5 Conclusion; References; Computational Models of Language Acquisition; 1 Introduction; 2 Data and Generalization; 3 Learnability; 3.1 Negative Results; 3.2 Positive Results; 4 Grammar and Distributional Learning; 4.1 Distribution and Syntactic Categories; 4.2 Distributional Learning of Grammar; 5 Learning as Selection; 5.1 Parameter Setting; 5.2 Toward Feasible Parameter Setting
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6 Learnability and Development6.1 The Subset Principle; 6.2 Parameters and Development; 7 Conclusion; References; The Acquisition of the Passive; 1 Reasons for a Potential Delay; 1.1 Grammatical Role Reversal; 1.2 Functional Similarity; 1.3 Frequency; 1.4 Syntactic Synonyms; 1.5 Optionality of By -phrase: Short Versus Long Passives; 1.6 Other Complications; 2 Early Studies of the Passive; 2.1 Imitation, Comprehension and Production; 2.2 Actional Versus Non-actional Passives; 2.3 Long Versus Short Passives; 3 Theoretical Accounts for the Delay in the Passive; 3.1 A-Chain Deficit Hypothesis
Description / Table of Contents:
Prediction 1: Uniform Application of the ACHD to All PassivesPrediction 2: Uniformity of the A-Chain Deficit; Unaccusatives; Raising; Prediction 3: Developmental Synchrony; Prediction 4: Universal Delay of A-Chains; 3.2 Universal Phase Requirement; 3.3 Theta-Transmission; 3.3.1 Predictions of the Theta-Transmission Model; Prediction 1: Actionality; Prediction 2: Interpretation of the By -phrase; Prediction 3: Long Versus Short Passives; 3.4 Frequency; 3.5 Other Languages; 4 Recent Developments; 4.1 Revisions to the Protocol of the Truth Value Judgment Task; 4.2 Priming
Description / Table of Contents:
4.3 Mandarin and Cantonese
Description based upon print version of record