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  • 1
    ISBN: 9789610503491 , 9789612546700
    Language: Undetermined
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (138 p.)
    Series Statement: Georitem 23
    Keywords: Slovenia ; Regional geography ; Biodiversity
    Abstract: The book ('Geography and plant succession. Selected examples from Slovene regions') is dealing with ecological succession which is one of three kinds of changes in vegetation. The other two are regeneration (or the result of necrosis and regrowth of organisms) and fluctuation (or changes in biomass in longer and shorter time cycles-also seasonal changes). Ecological succession or ecological sequence can be understood as a temporal-spatial clarification of the evolutionary development of a community from bare soil to a stable community which is balanced with its environment. The book is divided in two parts. In the first part, succession is presented on a theoretical basis. The development of the concept of succession through history, its mechanisms and processes carried on in it are clarified. Different types of succession as well as pioneer species and climax societies as the starting and final point of the process under consideration are described. In separated chapters, invasive species and soils as well as their role in succession are discussed. In the second part, individual selected environments (gravel pits in rivers, screes, rockfall areas, fire areas and construction pits) where the two major types of succession are prevailing are presented
    Abstract: Knjiga obravnava ekološko sukcesijo, ki sestavlja eno od treh vrst sprememb v rastlinstvu. Poleg nje sta zastopani še regeneracija oziroma rezultat odmiranja in ponovne rasti organizmov, in fluktuacija oziroma spremembe v biomasi v daljših in krajših časovnih ciklih (tudi sezonske spremembe).Ekološko sukcesijo ali ekološko zaporedje lahko razumemo kot časovno-prostorsko pojasnitev evolucijskega razvoja neke združbe od golih tal do ustaljene, s svojim okoljem uravnotežene združbe.Knjiga je razdeljena v dva dela. V prvem je sukcesija predstavljena na teoretični ravni. Pojasnjeni so razvoj njenega koncepta skozi zgodovino, njeni mehanizmi in procesi, ki potekajo v njej. Opisani so različni tipi sukcesij ter pionirske vrste in klimaksne združbe kot začetni in končni pol obravnavanega procesa. V ločenih poglavjih so obravnavane invazivne vrste ter prsti in njihova vloga v sukcesiji. V drugem delu pa so predstavljena posamezna izbrana okolja (rečna prodišča, melišča, podorno gradivo, požarišča in gradbene jame), kjer prevladujeta glavna tipa sukcesije
    Note: Slovenian
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